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Korean brands abroad

Posted: 01-01-2014 14:11
by fokkemol
Shinsung is an airgun brand wich is covered in some mystery. I never succeeded in contacting them, their site isn`t available, there`s no communication at ll.

Dutchman Joost van Gerven of (a well known and well respected airguntrader in the Netherlands) did succeed in making contact. That contact resulted in de Shinsung Career Infinity LBC six shot .357.

In the US you can find Shinsung under diferent brand names. ARS (Air Rifle Specialists) brought the Adventure DB, the Career II (or Career 707) and the Career 201.

Duk Il.
When in the early 1990`s Duk Il`s Hunting Master AR 6 entered the market airgun hunters in the US blew their top massively. Never there had been such un ugly but extremely hard shooting airgun been seen, heard or shot. The Duk Il guns were crude. The double action trigger needed 40 Lbs to be pulled en the feel of the trigger was absolutely horrible. Later Evanix brought the AR series, and tose guns were of much better quality. ARS is one of the distributors of Duk Il and Evanix airguns. ARS sells or has sold the AR6 Hunting Master series and offcourse the Hunting Master 900!

Even Beeman brought a Korean. National made the Volcanic, a .25 pump gun.

RWS sold some Career 7**.
The Career 707 was available in .22, .25 and .357.
The Career 710 was availale in .22 and .25. The Career 715 was the CO2 variation.